Sewol Remembrances: Panel discussion with Sewol victims mothers at SOAS
  • 3 June 2017
  • 13:00 – 15:30
  • Room 4429, SOAS University of London

Three years have passed since the Sewol ferry disaster that claimed 304 lives, mostly high school children. The bereaved families have suffered enormously both due to the event itself and due to an obstructive, authoritarian and ultimately corrupt government.

As South Korea enters a new era under a seemingly more caring and engaged presidency, we examine how the Sewol tragedy has been and is to be remembered.

Jisung Lee and Soongil Kim are mothers of two Danwon High School child victims. They will share their personal experiences and their work with the 416 Memory Archive.

Dr HaeRan Shin of Seoul National University is currently a visiting professor at LSE. She has written on ‘The territorialization of memory: the making of place of memory for Sewol Ferry accident‘, based on extensive meetings and interviews with Sewol victims’ family members.

Cyin Juuk is a Seoul based artist known as Lazypinkwhale. His simple, colourful and charming artworks have adorned everything from placards, posters and badges to large scale murals and stained glass windows at the Sewol memorial hall and chapel at Ansan.

This event is kindly hosted by SOAS Centre for Korean Studies.


2 responses to “Sewol Remembrances: Panel discussion with Sewol victims mothers at SOAS”

  1. […] 세월호 어머님들을 만났다. 2학년 3반 김도언 학생 어머니 이지성님, 2학년 9반 진윤희 학생 어머니 김순길님께서 2주일간의 일정으로 독일을 방문하시는중에, 1박 2일의 짧은 일정으로 영국을 다녀가셨다. 이번 방문 포스터의 표제는 ‘단원고의 별들, 기억과 만나다’이다. […]


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Remembering Sewol Uk

 Remembering Sewol Ferry Disaster UK was set up immediately following the Sewol ferry disaster in South Korea on 16th April 2014. We have organised vigils every month since. 

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